Student Council Saves The Day

To kick off Thanksgiving break, STUCO is hosting a volleyball tournament on Friday. The students and the teachers will compete as opponents in the Galbreath Gymnasium for charity. 

“I am thrilled to see my classmates play volleyball with the teachers,” senior Melina Smith said. “Whatever the results are, it will surely be fun to watch and to know that just by being at the event, you are making a difference by allowing children of low-income families to enjoy a nice pair of shoes and a meal at McDonald’s. Thank you, student council!”

The student council came up with a replacement for the annual talent show, which was cancelled due to low attendance at the audition, and decided to hold the volleyball tournament on such short notice for the school’s yearly fundraiser, Shoes For Kids. 

“I’m beyond excited, I think that the student council came up with a great idea,” junior Zachary Ingrim said. “Honestly I am shocked at how fast they put it together. I know that the students have been prepared for the chance to face up against their own teachers, and it will be rewarding just to watch teachers support their school and to show students that their love for the youth to succeed goes way beyond the classroom.”

Friday, November 19, is a half-day, and the volleyball tournament will take place from third to fifth period, when the school day ends. It costs $4 to watch the tournament and $10 for students to compete against the teachers. Participating in the tournament will excuse students from class and let students watch or compete in the games with their friends.

“The word spread out quickly [about the volleyball tournament]. I found out about it almost instantly after it was announced [that the talent show would be cancelled],” sophomore Addison Zelazny said. “Also, I think it will be interesting to see how the teachers will compete against the teachers in a few games of volleyball. I love STUCO, they are great, hardworking students and I support how much they do for the school. Joshua ISD would not be the same without our student council body providing their input and services.”