Ms. World-Wide Traveler Resides Locally

As she enjoys a promenade through the streets in China as a child, the wanderlust junior, Mercy Lewis, revels in her favorite treat, a caramelized crab apple on a stick, bought from a beloved food stand. Mercy spent her childhood in many places around the world, but her nine years living in China molded her into the bright, bubbly person she is today. It all started in Seattle, Washington, where she was given up for adoption by her birth mother and found by a backpacking couple.

“I was born [from my birth] mom, Diana,  who was addicted to meth whenever she was pregnant with me. So she [had decided it was best to give me up] and then she set me up for adoption [where my adoptive parents Bill and Lindsey found me.] Lindsey then cheated on Bill with Darius so now they’re married with three kids in Oregon,” Mercy said. “Then Bill married Jenna, my stepmom, and now we live here, she had two boys and my dad had me and my sister and then together Bill and Jenna had a [daughter.] So I have a whole bunch of step-siblings and half-siblings, and it’s awful.”

Mercy strongly believes in traveling around the world for the benefit of humanity. When people visit a foreign country, they learn their culture through first-hand experience, and it gives them insight to the fortunate life they have and how to become a better person. The countries Mercy has visited are widely different from each other; this has allowed her to experience different social and economic structures, and to witness how the people of these country cope with their situations. Traveling can improve personal mindsets too; when visiting foreign places, people can become more in touch with nature and people, as well.

“I think that everyone should travel as much as they can for the experience of the cultures and the different settings and being able to see the differences in each culture really puts you in a great mindset for what you have in front of you,” Mercy said. “Some places you see so much poverty and hurt and some places have insane skyscrapers and beautiful architecture so it just makes you appreciative of what you have. I have been to China, Africa, Thailand, the Philippines, and pretty much everywhere in the U.S.”

Mercy’s father, Bill Lewis, has traveled to many countries because of the global non-profit organization he has founded. The Morning Star Foundation was created to help children and infants with heart compilations receive life-saving medical treatments and to cover travel expenses. When Mercy comes home from school, she sees a father that works so tirelessly to give life to children in developing countries. The foundation has staff members in China, Jordan, and Uganda; the head of the organization is in the U.S.

“Everytime I come home, I see my dad, exhausted from his work, welcoming me with a warm smile,” Mercy said. “He is my biggest inspiration, to travel the world and help children in need, and I’m reminded of that when I see him pursue his dream. My character was built on the organization’s work by [seeing a wide range of people,] I have seen people in poverty and then other people with wealth. I know where [countries are in the world,] and how the culture is there, so that made me the well-rounded person you see today!”


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