Nineteen % of people going into college these days choose to major in business, making it the most commonly chosen major in the United States. However, this leaves so many other options unconsidered. Some of the options below are practical and others branch out a bit more, but all are viable options for those who do not want to settle into the common pathways.
Journalism is a field of study that teaches people how to report information in an unbiased and compelling way. It also teaches fact checking to a dexterous degree as well as how to present data to a targeted audience. Feature Writers are the highest paid professionals with degrees in journalism. The drawback of pursuing a journalism degree is that job security is nearly nonexistent and layoffs are constant. However, it’s a field that constantly evolves as there is no shortage of news and information to share.
Considered to be one of the safest majors, accounting is a path that sets people up to begin a solid career right after obtaining a degree. Some of the career options an accounting degree is required for are: budget analyst, financial advisor, bookkeeper, and payroll clerk. On average, people with accounting degrees make $87,300 per year in Texas. Another perk of this career field is that accountants enjoy a high level of job security that not many other paths can offer.
Social Work
Majoring in social work prepares people to face individual, family, and group problems. It shows them how to cope with various issues in people’s lives and how to adapt and improve, often through legal intervention and counseling. Some of the highest paying jobs in social work are clinical social worker, corporate social responsibility manager, and geriatric social worker.
Fashion Design
The fun pathway of fashion design is not a major with high job security, it is unique and allows for a high degree of creative expression. The big focus of this pathway is in designing and creating clothes and accessories. After getting a fashion design degree, most people start off as interns or design assistants, which generally earn around $44,000 per year.