Fashion is subjective and when it comes to people in the education industry, many may think of educators only wearing jeans and a cardigan or, perhaps, a spirit shirt. This, however, is not always the case. Fashion is a way of expressing oneself, saying everything, without saying anything. A leather strap of a bag, sparkle of an earring or style of sleeve can say everything needed to know about a person: do they have a bubbly or flat personality? Are they materialistic or intellectual? These are just a few of the many, many things one can learn from a person’s attire. When asked, a group of staff members answered what they think is appropriate for teachers to wear:
Kari Trevino, Assistant Principal : “Clean and comfortable.”
Michael Clayton, Assistant Principal: “Business casual most days, jeans and spirit shirts.”

Tonya Gschnell, AP/Extracurricular Secretary: “I think teachers should always present themselves in a professional way. I believe you can absolutely do that, even if wearing jeans and a spirit shirt.”
Haley Hoeflein, AG Teacher: “As an Ag teacher, I feel it’s appropriate for me to wear jeans everyday since we never know what we will be doing. However, I still like to look nice. But jeans and a spirit shirt [are] always appropriate in my books.”

Kristin Ayars, English Teacher: “I think teachers should be able to wear anything they want as long as it’s not revealing or too tight.”
Mica Martin, StuCo Sponsor/Teen Leadership Teacher: “I think that teachers should set a good example, while staying comfortable in fabrics that stretch and move.”
Nicole Fielder, Biology Teacher/Tennis Coach: “Teachers should be wearing respectable clothing. Nice dress that is long enough, blouse/slacks, no tights . Since today is Friday, I just have on jeans, sneakers and a Joshua Owl ¼ zip sweatshirt . Even in that, it took me like seven years to break down and actually wear jeans to work- I felt it was inappropriate to wear jeans to work. Now I’m over it LOL.”

All different answers. All different stories.