Photo Flashback
Archive of Photos from Previous Years
Seniors in action.
Photos compliments of the NJROTC Department
Three members of The Owl Flight Newspaper decorate their newspaper-themed tree.
Seniors have something to say.
Bear discusses the significance of balancing comfortable yet stylish footware.
Bear imparts the seriousness of safety.
Ashley ready to LIFT!
Bear and Ashley at a powerlifting meet in the MPAC.
Abby showing off her hard work.
Ashley and Bear at prom.
A tradition after every football game, Abby uses her strength to pick Bear up.
Always smiling 🙂
Prom Perfect Couple
DeArman is always thinking of the next play.
Circle up!
My first American pep rally.
Boy’s Cross Country proudly shows off the District trophy.
Cross Country District Champions
DeArman hugs his sister at the pink-out pep rally. She has been battling breast cancer and surprised him at the pep rally.
Last minute pep talk.
Coach DeArman watches on.
the tarty Sweethearts.
Brick Wall Brotherhood
National Anthem
Team meeting
The most spirited student section.
Sweethearts bringing the pep
Let the Flags Fly!
National Anthem
Proud Americans.
Josh Bischops and Lillie Couey conducting the band in the 2021 homecoming pep rally.